Friday, December 12, 2008

Well, it would appear that the blog link is working again.  Now to figure out how to find time to actually write some....

Saturday, December 6, 2008

OK, so I am trying to re-dedicate myself to the blogging concept.  I shall have to see where this goes.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Santa at Sears - Week 2

Well, as I am new to this blogging thing, I have not posted since Thanksgiving... We started the Santa at Sears Mall on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). Traditionally, that whole weekend is pretty hectic.

Santa has a lot on his plate this time of the year in the first place, but when you add in all the public appearances, some of them litterally only moments apart from one another and often in different locations across town, it is a wonder he gets it all done. I had some staffing issues to overcome this season, but all have ironed out at this point and my crew is humming along now.

Only a couple crazy patrons thus far, but that will probably change as we get closer to December 25th. That last weekend in particular is always a trial. I am glad to be staying in town this year to see the full run. I worried constantly last season, not being there to protect the staff and deal with any unforseen issues. We still have some computer difficulties (using a primary machine that is a bit too slow right now), but those should be sorted by the end of this week is all goes as planned.

Tonight was the holiday dinner for the Rabbit Creek Rifle Range and the state treated all the Range Safety Officers to a nice dinner at the Lonestar Steak House. It is fun to see everyone in a relaxed atmosphere. I become accustomed to seeing them on high alert all the time. We have our share of fun at the range, but it is also serious business keeping people from accidentaly shooting themselves in the foot. We had a spouse actually point a pistol (unloaded and locked back, but still) at her spouse while he was downrange. Needless to say they got bounced, but it just goes to show that people are crazy all over...

Tomorrow night is the Alaska Chapter of the Professional Photographers of America Holiday Party. The gathering sounds like it will be a bit smaller than previous years, but that also can make it more intimate and fun. I greatly appreciate these folks and the group gatherings without a formal meeting are often a wonderful opportunity to talk about what we love without having to center it all around the business aspect of things. These meetings remind me of why I got into photography in the first place. For the people, the artistry and the creativity of solving a problem every time you look through the camera.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Gotta love Thanksgiving!

We are enjoying a munchy afternoon at Andy and Laura Arnold's home in Wasilla, AK. We started with Cheese Puffs from Annie and the girls are now pumping out the stuffing. Got the bird on Andy's BBQ rotisserie and the wine in the fridge, so all is good with the guys! Santa at Sears starts tomorrow, so I have lots of scheduling to complete before tomorrow morning, plus forms and opening and closing procedures to make up... Lots to do and a nice wine buzz to do it with. 8-)